Ideas come anywhere and anytime, and it is a pleasure to have those all tore here and share with you (my lovely readers) Enjoy!
Senin, 07 Desember 2009
That's what friends are for...
Ini dia mereka:
Ghea Lizanova: cewek cantik, tinggi sekitar 155cm, dan berat badan….. (hmmm… isi sendiri aja y sist… haha). Cewek kelahiran Kuningan, 29 Desember 1989 ini adalah cewek yang sangat berbakat (meskipun pernah ada yang bilang kalo doi cewek berskill standar,,,*ooopppsss whatever, just forget this one!!) yes she is, doi yang bercita-cita menjadi musisi ini memang jago banget main alat musik, main gitar, keyboard, drum, hmmm nyanyi juga bisa… mungkin kalo dia bikin band sendiri pun dia sendiri yang menjadi semua personilnya (haaha…. Ngga mungkin juga kali ya) ---- bahkan terkadang saya merasa “minder”, gara-gara sampe saat ini saya belum berhasil menguasai alat musik satu pun, selai alat tiup recorder yang diwajibkan mampu memainkan nya waktu ujian EBTA praktek dulu *lol (gitar bisaa lah dikit2.. hehe), yup itu baru satu skill yang doi punya, selanjutnya doi juga pinter menulis, suatu ketika saya agak terkejut teman saya ini menunjukan Draft novel yang berjudul “Cinta dodol” yang mau dikirim ke gagas media (saya sempet baca dulu, and give comment pastinya), hey… ternyata she’s good on it! Juga dia pintar menulis cerita (kamu batu sist…! I mean you Rock!^^) keahlian yang seharusnya dimiliki oleh semua anak sastra, --- however, draft novelnya itu belum ato ngga di gubris sama sang punbliser, okay dude, it was nice try… keep on trying!, selain nulis cerita, cewek yang sedang menjalani hubungan LDR dengan pacarnya ini juga bisa menulis lagu, dalam hal gaya juga ngga ketinggalan, modis, dan nyentrik itulah gaya nya, semua potongan rambut pernah dia coba (kecuali botak yaa), ahhh….. satu lagi keahlianya, dia bisa mengoprasikan dengan baik adobe photoshop dan adobe audio… (see, masih ada yang mau bilang dia cewek beskill standar…) huh… kalo jadi cowo mungkin aku juga udah cinta ama ni cewek (well, fortunately I’m a woman too… *lol^^).
Fauziah omar Abdat: dari namanya aja, pasti kita bisa menebak kalo cewek ini keturunan arab or something gitu…?? (hahaha…). Yes, indeed. Cewek cantik dan tinggi ini, (hahaha… harus bilang gitu yaa) tinggi karena doi punya tinggi standarnya cewek bule, hmmm sekitar 170han gitu dehh… dengan berat badan yang cukup proporsional. Cewek yang lahir di kota hujan, kota taleus dan kota asinan ini (lengkap bangett dah….) juga punya keahlian yang sama dengan teman kostannya (we may say the girl next door… *lol) yaitu bernyanyi, ngga jarang menemukan headset di telinganya sepanjang jalan dan menyanyikan lagu grup band favoritnya paramour, belum lagi kalo udah nyanyi-nyayi juga di kamar mandi (untung aja suara lo bagus jong…), selain pinter nyanyi doi jago banget menirukan dialect singlish dan melayu (secara yaa…. *ngomong gaya anak gaul) yang kadang bikin kita ketawa-ketawa ngedengernya. Oh iya, doi juga hebat banget dalam edit-mengedit foto (maksudnya mengedit foto artis dengan diganti wajah kita.. lol) hahah… pokonya dijamin jadi cantik “edan”. Cewek yang lahir tanggal 15 Oktober 1987 ini juga punya lebiasaan aneh, suka mendadak kena sindrom-sindrom yang suka dibuat sendiri (contohnya, waktu itu doi lagi tertarik sama phenomena KCB dan dalam seminggu doi, jangan heran kalo dia bakalan membahas tentang KCB terus, baik cerita, pemain dsb. Ngga ketinggalan dia jadiin tabloin Bintang sebagai referensi juga…. Wkwkwkwkw), oke, doi juga jago dalam make-up (bekal yang dia dapet sewaktu begabung dalam sekolah model).
Itulah sekelumit kisah kasih teman-teman baiku (halah…. ) pokonya mereka adalah orang terdekat yang selama di kampus telah menjadi teman terbaik sampai saat ini, walaupun kadang gak pernah nyambung dalam hal music (Jazz lover-- me Vs. Metal-- GeaZiah) hahaha…. But anyway, everybody is unique kok, semua punya kesukaan yang berdeza-beza (dialect siti nurhaliza). Disamping itu, mereka juga telah memberikan pengalaman berharga dalam hidup (bermain band dalam lomba ESCW, yang tidak pernah terpikir sama sekali in my life), semua kelebihan yang mereka punya yang pastinya menjadi motivasi tersendiri bagi saya, yang masih harus belajar banyak. Thank god for giving them around, wish we would be a good friend together ever after…
Jumat, 04 Desember 2009
Kamis, 03 Desember 2009
A christmas carol movie, 'a precious taught about being an human creature'
Hi people, I’d like to share some movies I recently watched. Last weekend an old friend of mine asked me to watched new moon, the trailer of twilight series, but unfortunately we didn’t get the ticket, since everyone booked sooner than I did. Okay, then we decided to watch “a Christmas Carol” animation movie, and hey it was good… since now I started to “read” the movie than “watch” the movie, (it is always demanded since you’ve been in Critical analysis of Drama subject… lol)
Jim Carey was the dabber, and this movie is actually adaption from one of Charles Dickens tale stories, I was so exited when I knew it, since dickens become one of my favorite writer, he was one of the most famous writer in 19th centuries, when industrial revolution become the central issue at that time (I should already know this is one of his work… hahah) well okay, but I do now.
All rites, here a short review of the movie. The tale begins on Christmas Eve seven years, a pathetic old man named George Templeton Strong or Mr. Gorge is a wealthy man among the town always trough Christmas eve alone all his life, no friends, family besides… well in fact he had but he tends to be alone, the character is successfully portrayed since desire of poverty driven him so bad, he lives in a ghostly and gloomy house, scary and balmy city, and those make him live in so mysterious way. He acted like a ghost, everybody in his town scared of him. Once, the ghosts came and made him in a long past journey, remembered him of his pathetic childhood, and thus a mysterious black shadow of man showing him how the way he would die, the date was on Christmas time, and people in town talked about his life and worst there no even attended his burial.
When I heard about tale stories, it used to be a happy and funny story but this kind of different one, Dickens probably wanted to show his critics about in effect for people to recognize the plight of those whom the industrial revolution has displaced and driven into poverty, and the obligation of society to provide for them humanely. Well, okay it was just probably issue which exist but I rather to the end of the movie, it was satisfying me when finally Mr. gorge become the nice person since back from his “nightmare”, and he spend most of the time to make people happy and share good things with others.
There just always moral lesson from a tale stories, it is. This movie is kind of motivate me to become a better person in the future since death is a part of life, I just wonder where when we die, people will remember our ‘name’ as something precious and people could remember the good thing on it. And one thing, family is never been unforgettable thing in life since we just only could being safe and happy to have share precious moment like Christmas (since I’m a moeslim, there could be another context). Thank god, I born in a humble and complete family, and they always be there for me, and since God always have purpose to let me born in this world, I will attempt to make my life as useful as YOU wish.. amien.
Jumat, 27 November 2009
Just get stuck and u may says: Im drunk of Feminist Ideology
Baru-baru ini saya meminjam sebuah dvd kepada teman saya, film ‘The Proposal’ yang dibintangi Sandra bullock, miris yaa… hari gini baru nonton setelah dirilis beberapa bulan yang lalu (sambil mesem2, dan mikir betapa jauh ketinggalan nya diriku tentang wawasan film2 baru), tapi sudah lah, toh tak ada kata terlambat, di dalam tulisan ini juga saya ngga akan menceritakan whole story about this movie. Well, setelah menonton film ini, jujur saya sangat suka peran Margaret yang sukses diperankan sama si cewek yang juga memproduseri film drama comedy miss congeniality. Very impressive, mungkin tak ada yang aneh dari semua peran yang dia mainkan disemua film yang dia bintangi, tetap menonjolkan sisi independent, maskulin dan feminis nya. By the way, anyway, busway…. Tentang judulnya, agak ngeri2 dikit yaa ngomongin theory feminism, jujur sebagai salah satu mahasiswa sastra, saya banyak ‘dicekokin’ karya-karya sastra feminist, khususnya para pengajar wanita yang secara implisit mengatakan bahwa mereka ‘feminist’, yeaaa… maybe yes. Dari karya2 sastra yang pernah saya baca maupun tonton seperti Pride and Prejudice dan Becoming jane karya nya jane Austine, Tarian Bumi karya oka rusmini, Miss congeniality Sandra bullock, tokohnya Mirranda dalam Devil wears prada, siti Rayati karya nya siapa tuh… lupa… (hmm…), ato tokoh wanita yang diperankan oleh Marsya Timoty dalam film Otomatis romantic, terus juga tokohnya Lin dalam Bride wars. Semua kharakter utama nya adalah wanita yang mandiri, memperjuangkan hak-haknya, memiliki power sehingga mencitrakan sensualitas tersendiri, they cool. See, mungkin dari tulisan saya ini, saya ‘terlihat’ agak pro feminist.. hahaha, tapi terlepas dari siapa yang pro dan siapa yang kontra (yang pasti mereka yang mengaku para kaum masculine), secra tidak langsung, like it or not, saya adalah salah satu korban “feminist” yang akhirnya harus menyukai segala macam feminist character, termasuk buku2 yang berbau feminis juga yang sedang say abaca saat ini ‘see jane’s Lead’ yang ditulis oleh Louis.P frankel P.hd, buku ini menceritakan perlunya wanita maju untuk memimpin.
Para pembaca yang terhormat, dalam tulisan ini saya tidak akan memprofokasi anda untuk sama2 menjadi feminist juga yaa (especially you guys… hahaha…), saya hanya coba menuangkan ide yang tiba-tiba saja saya dapat dengan mendadak (sambel kali ah..) lewat tulisan yang sederhana ini. Pastinya kharakter, pola fikir seseorang dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan (you are what ur friend are), saya seorang anak yang dibesarkan oleh seorang ibu yang mandiri (of course I still have a dad) tapi sosok ibu terlalu berpengaruh besar dalam peran hidupku selama ini, ia sangat mandiri dan tegar (luv u mom), beliau seorang wanita karir yang sukses dan ibu rumah tangga yang baik, lanjuuuutt… juga buku2 dan film dengan secara tidak sadar telah menerapkan ideologinya pada penonton dan pembaca (you are what you read)!! That’s it… sehingga dengan pertimbangan ini mudah2an membuat perspective kita lebih luas tentang kecenderungan kharakter dalam diri seseorang, menjadi feminist bukan dosa besar kok, semua sah-sah saja, however… saya termasuk wanita independent yang tentu tetap memberikan respect pada pria, sehingga semuanya bisa berjalan selaras dan seimbang tanpa harus ada intervensi terhadap pilihan hidup individu. Jelas saya ingin menekankan cewek jaman sekarang harus mandiri, punya mind map sendiri, sehingga dengan ada dan tidak nya seorang cowok disamping kita kelak, wanita bisa Berjaya dengan segala impian dan harapanya.
Bravo feminist!!!
Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009
Happy 1st Anniversary babe... 311008
We have been in relationship for 1 year and 1 week more...
We have met accidentaly, i never guested and never thought before that in our first met we would have other meetings...
this is my first time i choose a guy without people intervention..
and indeed he's the one i've been searching for...
so far, he can takes all his responsibility, save me, and can direct my path to God..
i wish, and i really wish the almighty God would gladly thight me and him in one holly marriage... amien.
Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009
This Picture has tottaly represented me...
Kamis, 08 Oktober 2009
Reading critically is demanded for Literature student!
To be honest, I’m not a critical reading. If I could tell u that I have just entered new subject in this semester, and it would be about literary research. Well, it is probably not a good starting point, but I must say that to be deal with research in literary, we should become a critical reader, how could we analysis the text with certain theory if we are not knowing what we are actually read?
Since I become a literature student, I already knew famous author (Jane Austen, Robert Cormier, Shakespeare, Earnest Hemmingway, Alice Seabold,,, and whosoever..) Honestly, during my duty as become literature student, I just knew that actually there is something that we should consider first to be bear with literature. There are criteria which could be approximately measure what we should say as literary text, or in another word, measurement to be called a text which has value as literature.
All right then, you must be not understand what was I talking about..
Simply, to become a critical reader we must define our purpose first, reading all kinds of books, particularly literature one. There is called efferent reading which means we read in purposing to get information from what we have read, secondly is aesthetic reading which means to get involved in aesthetic experience on a text. (Mustafa, Bacharudin). As a matter of fact, it is still unrealistically I read still in the level of efferent reading or McCormick says a conventional one, reading just in purposing understand a plot, character, point of view and theme. Whereas, critical reading means we (reader) do not fully accept what we have read, to be saying again… I (literature student who are not really a fond of lit) is demanded to be think hardest than usual. Sometimes I flash back to time when I have to choose between linguistic or literature and I choose something which I didn’t familiar with, which is literature. How dare me yaa…?? Hahaha…
Although, in fact I have curiosity in knowing literature, and now I’m not upset with it, it was my choice consequences, whatever that hard, just go ahead, I’m sure I can do it…!
The first step to become critical reader is understanding what text actually said to you, then find what information which implied on the text, further, reader should questioning hidden meaning which contained on the text, for instance the author purposes of writing, ideology, through familiar with those are we demanded a knowledge about discourse and intertexuality which literary say that text can’t be stand alone, it should be influenced from other texts. Then questioning and correlating what texts are implied. And last, critical reader usually has her own framework to analyze one text.
Well, that is it. Probably, it won’t become a matter if you are already a critical one, whereas me, my self have to deal stronger with it. Okay, just keep exercise your critical thinking, and be a good critical reader!! J
Sabtu, 19 September 2009
Senin, 11 Mei 2009
selalu bersyukur pada saat mata ini masih bisa berkedip...
selalu bersyukur pada saat nafas ini berhembus..
selalu bersyukur pada saat jantung ini masih berdetak...
selalu bersyukur karena tak terpisah dari orang-orang yang dicintai...
sehingga kala pagi menjelang, kemudian ku buka kedua mata, adalah kata syukur...
"Rab... terimakasih atas Cinta mereka yang hingga kini masih menjadi nafas semangat dalam hidup, menjadi ide dalam setiap jengkal semesta fikiranku, dan lentera dalam gelap, semoga dan akan selalu begitu selamanya..."
Jumat, 08 Mei 2009
What I have got so far as become an English Student
When first day I attended literature class, I absolutely didn’t know anything about this stuff, everything seemed to be boring, hard and smell old. I thought I have taken big risk from my choice coz I would deal with poems, novels, and any literature genre that absolutely nothing, nothing because I deal with something that I didn’t know. It’s been three years I’ve been in University and I have changed my mind about it, learn literature is actually learn about culture, it is about history of civilization, and I start to get into it, it is very interesting..
Talking about English, the idea that is firstly come up to our mind is International language or perhaps the picture of Charles prince, Lady Diana or signified of their flag which combines red, blue and white colors. But those are not the point that I would share here, deals with English it means also deals with their language. Concern to that way so literature becomes the media.
English Literature begins with Old English or Anglo-Saxon Literature. English descends from North Germanic Tribes who settled in England from 5th Century A.D. the most famous works in this Period is Beowulf, its kind of Narrative poem who tell story a King’s hall which threatened by a monster called Grendel. Beowulf has been published in Movie in previous years ago; Angelina Jolie is one of the actresses in that movie. Next is Middle English, this period is around 1066-1550. This is the period when English become the official language, the outstanding writer was Chaucer in his work Sir Gawain and the green knight, and he was the father of English Language. This period was time when people was very humble, and have the authority to God. Lets go on into Renaissance around 17th century, well in this time the society was changing in such fundamental way, when world was become much more complex with the whole economic and social change. Civil war was the center issue, it was conflict between old and new, between kings traditional status and authority and new forces who wish to wrest power from the king. This period was also called as Shakespearean era, hmm Shakespeare, who don’t know this name? He was very outstanding writer, and playwright, I have seen some of works such Romeo and Juliet the famous one, and Cleopatra. Romantic Period or 18th Century is the next, here was the period when people do not turn to God as the source of order, they started to find seeing harmony in life where their found in the natural world, it can be seen from the works by Wordsworth, he was having the great stress of imagination. Continuing into Victorian period or 19th Century, here was when people experience what is called ‘religious Doubt’ because there was scientific approvals, thus world begins to seem much more confusing, depressing and even chaotic. But it was the great age of novel, Dickens and Eliot were become the represent among others writers. Then in 20th Century, the structure of Society was totally change, existing of extraordinary creativity in all arts not only poetry and novel but also in music and Painting, the historical event which perceived was First World War. So, that was short history of English Literature.
Literary study also deals with the literary genre. They are Poetry (Lyric, ballad, sonnet and narrative), Prose (legend, myth, fable, fairy tale which can be classified into old prose and then novel, Essay, article is the Modern one), and Drama. From knowing that, we demanded to know about some literary theories by means to express the readers sense of what is happening in a text. They are Post Colonialism, Feminism, Marxism, Reception theory, Reader-response criticism and so on. By doing that we get Literary Criticism which is an activity in critic something with appropriate reasons, we express a reason and judgment of something, how to correlate between text and context, and it can’t be separated with the literary theory as mention above.
Well, English Literature is kind of hard thing isn’t it? For me as not a native speaker, absolutely yes it is. I need to work hard to understand kind of stuff like this, with limited vocabularies, limited understanding of discourse and intellectuality. But it is actually has boarded my thought about society, culture and people civilization. Literary works become historical tracks which recorded our past.
I have not especially sought to express my own value judgments but to reflect those which are commonly found in printed guides by judges whose views command more respect than mine. I hope that people who visit this page will take issue with the summary comments here, or discuss them with their companies. Thanks for visiting and reading it… J