God gives us our relatives; Thank God we can choose our friends. ---Ethel Watts Mumford
Dear Diary. Something bad happened today. And Bla…. Bla… bla…
Well people, Have you written like this on your diary every night before you turn to bed? Or are you kind of person who likes writing diary? Hmmm… kinda girl usually do it, and it sounds melancholies, isn’t it? Yeaa whatever it is…
If yes, lets talk about it folks..
Happy, bee in our bonnet, disappoint, embarrass, mad, scare, and sorry feeling we can tore on it. In diary we can talk anything we want, and we become our self, surely diary is a place where can keep ‘It‘ under our hat.
I have been writing diary since I were in elementary school, it usually about my friend profile which called ‘BIODATA’, we fulfilled it with name, time and place of birth or abbrev “TTL”, our favorites band and artists, hobbies, favorites foods and beverages, and etc. moreover, we usually full it with draw something with color pen and also our best picture. Hmmm what a funny moment, unfortunately it was lost and I don’t have it anymore guys...
When I were Junior High School I have one best friend, she was my classmate, and we had one diary called “Buku Curhat Bersama” it was a place for us to share our happy, sad, hate, school, teachers, boys, girl stuffs and so on. It is strange when actually I met her everyday, but we preferred share the story through diary to talk when we met. But it was so fun and funny when I tried to remember it again J
Getting into Senior high school, I have eight best friends, and I had a blast!! We tore all we want to share on our diary, completed it with poems, song lyrics which become our theme songs, and any small little things we usually write it down on it. Such like these are:
“Temen-temen… tau ngga aku lagi ngga punya pulsa nih..”
“Eh… kita ke kantin yuuu, beli cilok gaul..”
“ haha…. Si itu poni nya aneh, kayak Poni domba”
Well Poems commonly become our media to share our flowery, sad and angry feeling, we really got into it and that was my astounding spring chicken. Remember it all, if I had time machine or I had remote time control like Adam Sandler’s has in CLICK movie, I probably want to come back to that moment.
I seriously write my private diary when firstly become a collage, and it is not merely share feeling or something like that, but its totally about “my own world” I write my collage schedule, date line assignment, red-letter day, things to do, things I have done, stuffs that I want to buy, dream lists, little map, memorial place where I have visited with someone special, even nota, movie tickets included on it.
Some people say “There’s nothing useful writing on diary, hell no that sucks…!”, yea maybe that’s probably right but for me writing diary is so fun, it kinda our “Immortal companion”, it will become our historical tracks, all we have in diary is a part of our past, so we can learn from it. Diary is also making us knowing our self better.
It is so exciting find that today there is a media blog like this, it makes writer bend over backwards to share their ideas, opinion that they have.
Let’s write, Go write diary, and go blogging people…!!!! J
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