My class mate offered me to join this event, coz he knew that I was potential candidate, haha.. (he’s must be kidding). At first, I wouldn’t join this event seriously, my intention was that I could spent my spare time while waiting my proposal seminar (tiring, it’s been 2 months..:(
Well, I decided to go. I packed my stuffs and kindly my boyfriend drove me through the Karantina’s place , then I spent about three days, sleeping, eating, studying with peoples who I didn’t know before, but we shared stories, shared experiences and it was fun… (Thank u my best room mates: Anya, Sarah, Rizky, Dewi and tita), the most unforgettable moment was when we should share one bathroom for six people… haha, never again.
The first and the second night, we were busy with the subjects and the seminars, we got the opportunity to had questions and it was really enlightening, I knew about the potential of KBB’s tourisms, the governance, the Sudanese language and culture, the drugs problems, and also learned how to be discipline, and well-cooperated among others contestant.
In the third night, each contestant should perform they talent or we called (Unjuk Kabisa). As we didn’t prepare anything to perform (I did) haha, like it or not we had to. Furthermore, the show was bad (really), but some of them showed awesome, they were perform Tari topeng, Kecapi Suling, Nembang, Pencak Silat, Degung, but me, I was singing Sudanese song while playing guitar, and it wasn’t my best performance but at least I tried.
Then, here was come the Grand Final Day. The contestant should get dressed and make up in 2 am, and each of us had been sleeping only for one hour, (grossssssssss, and I did still sleepy), we had breakfast at first when everybody had already ready for the dress (I was wearing the bright one, orange…:) we drove by bus, and it took 2 and half an hour to go from Cipatat through Grand Hotel Lembang.
All process had successfully attended, and my turn was at 2nd place, I was answering the questions nervously but over all I did well (the English and the Sudanese one) Jezz, I didn’t care that I had answer the question brilliantly or not, what I wanna
do was down from the stage, and knew it was over.
We had been waiting for so long to know the winner, and suddenly I got the runner-up… horrayyyyyyyy, I got TV and a lotta presents, but the most precious thing is experience…:)
That’s all everyone, I do wish I won’t stop here; I will carve more achievements in “my time”
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