In life, there is a time where un-expectable thing can happen, it is failure. Since all failures that been happened to me lately, I learn to be tough, learn that everything I want, includes my plans, do not always come as smoothly as it seems.
When I felt down, I got up back soon whenever there was a time I used to cry a lot (what a weak girl), and think how moron I was. Yes, I was. Could you imagine how you felt when you tried hard to reach something, yet you still can’t reach it up. Failed for many times, it was like falling down from the top of highest building, and broke your bones into pieces, and you could hardly raise your body again.
About last four days, I met a friend whom my own class mate, I was asking for his help to solved my problem, and he was quite giving enlighten though, and once I told my failure, he gives me a hint that won’t ever I forget, he said “brave is not enough, you must have ability beside, once you had braveness supported by ability, surely you can pass it”, I was paused, then I thought hey… you damn right dude :D!! It is the answer from all of these failures.
I went back home and absolutely brought bounce of spirits, I calmed down myself first in order to bring back my confident, and then I start to study much more hard! The last thing he said that also I won’t ever forget is “It’s just nothing and just like sh*t” :D, one day, if I had gotten it, I hope, I would think as same as you, thanks for enlighten me.. :)
*This writing was written when I hadn’t succeed the goal, but now I did it successfully.. proudly saying: I reached the score of the TOEFL everyone…!!!--- next level please, that it would be proposing the research proposal+seminar+working on my research+graduate this year... amien.. :D
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